On the planet of Burning Man, travelers from all walks of life visit for one simple reason; to express unadulterated creativity.
For the space mummy costume I designed a 3-D wearable sculpture and decided to try my hand at EL Wire, or electroluminescent wire which effectively works as flexible neon light. Using a sequencer I programmed an animation where the gears appeared to spin, brain pulsed, intestines wriggled, and heart beat.
200' of EL wire, 3 colors, 6 channels, and many yards of linen LATER, Space Mummy rose to life.
Ambitious? Sure.
Stupid? Absolutely.
First test of the EL wire lighting up.
Time was running out so I didn't test the lights as I was going as it would require extra wiring and soldering that I couldn't afford.
And besides, when you are silly enough to create this whole thing in four days you might as well roll the dice.
Luckily all the connections were solid and it worked (and resume breathing.)
Conceptual sketch for the piece.